Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Picture This: Day 5

Day 5:
A picture of an old memory.
Oh how I hate Nebraska.
The Mr. and I drove cross country to Chicago shortly after becoming engaged to visit his family back east. The trip was a blast and I would do it again in a heartbeat, as long as I got to skip Nebraska. It was the most boring state to drive through and there was so much road work in Omaha that we detoured and ended up lost for over an hour when trying to find a hotel at the end of a very very long day. As we were leaving the horrible place, a tire on the truck blew out. The 'soon to be' Mr. had to change the tire on a super dangerous curve that almost brought me to tears. Thank goodness Des Moines was the next stop where we met some of the nicest people in the country. Sorry Nebraska, but my heart will forever belong to Iowa

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