Sunday, August 22, 2010

Pinecrest and the Hike of Death

Today, I became acutely aware that I am out of shape.
In January I started joining my dad on his daily walks as a means to spend some time with him catching up and as a means to be a little more active. He walks, on average, six miles a day. This is not including the 18 holes he used to play a day which put his distance covered at about 10 miles! It had been quite a while since the last time I walked with him (I like to say it is because he started working and our schedules conflicted but really it was mostly sheer laziness on my behalf. So lazy in fact that I couldn't even pick up the phone...bad daughter) On Thursday I casually called my dad to see if I could join him on his afternoon/ evening walk over the weekend while the Mr. was going to be out of town. He said why don't I come with he and my stepmother to Pinecrest and we would hike around the lake together. He thought that it was about two or three miles and we could probably do it in a couple of hours. My stepmother's two nieces would be with us as well as the dogs. The older niece would even do the hike with us. She is eleven. I tell you all of this to understand that my father made it sound like this 'hike' would require only a little more exertion than was needed for a normal walk. I thought, 'Great! A walk with a view. Count me in.' Famous last words...
Please see my internal pep talk below:
0-0.5 miles: 'Holy s*&t! This part HAS to be the worst of it'
0.5-1.5 miles: 'Is that my pulse rate that I can feel beating on the inside of my head?'
1.5 miles: Little did I know that while we were taking our 'halfway' break that my legs (and the rest of my body for that matter) were plotting to go on strike. My legs were basically getting ready to give me the big 'Eff you Jen!'
1.5-3 miles: 'Please don't fall down these rocks, please don't fall down these rocks...' (At this point we were passed by a group of about 20 strapping young men. This irritated my father because he is not used to being passed up. I know this because he explained it to me while I was bringing up the rear.)
3-4 miles: Honestly, I really can't remember much from this point. I think the high altitude of the mountains was getting to me. I do remember passing the restrooms and thinking that the drinking fountain outside of it was a mirage. The only communication I was capable of at this point was the 'thumbs up' when my dad asked me how I was doing. I may have been exhausted but I wasn't about to wimp out.
When we got back to the picnic area all I could do was immediately lay down and close my eyes. I attempted to eat a little and drink some fluids but all I wanted was a nap. After my nap the only thing that made me feel better was the soft serve from the snack bar. After resting for a bit, I felt that I had just enough energy to snap some pictures of the beautiful Pinecrest Lake.
(Hike of Death)

(the pretty Pinecrest Marina)
(Sadie was kinda over it)
One of the things that I wish we could have stayed for was 'Movies Under the Stars'. Starting at 8:10 p.m. on Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday nights through the summer season, movies are shown in the Pinecrest Amphitheater, just as it's advertised, under a blanket of stars. Movies shown are relatively new releases and family friendly. Tickets are $6.50 and children under the age of three are free. 
One last thing. Another mirage appeared when we returned to the picnic area after our hike. Remember those 20 strapping young men that passed us around mile three? They happened to be a local collegiate water polo team. They happened to be taking a team photo to commemorate their Pinecrest trip. I happened to have my camera ready. Ta da!

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