Sunday, January 16, 2011

Get. Out. Of. My. Head!!

Yesterday was my first long run in my training. It wasn't too bad, then again it was only three miles. I usually walk 6+ with my dad and the dogs every Sunday so three miles was a piece of cake. (Speaking of cake, here's one more 'resolution' to add to the list.)
After my little workout and some much needed grocery shopping, I agreed to head to Stockton to help my mom sort out her office. For the past 5 years or so, my mother has been consumed with being a professor at the hoity toity university there. She spends almost 7 days a week there and lots of time trapped by the paperwork that gets out of control. I was motivated by selfish reasons to help her because I miss my mom and would like to spend more time with her without hearing 'I really can't right now, I am too busy'.
She agreed to take me to lunch for payment and walking along the Miracle Mile to the restaurant, I was stopped dead in my tracks.
I don't have children, yet. One day I hope to but life sometimes gets in the way and its a dream that has been put on hold. Walking by Tots and Teapots makes me wish that dream was already realized.
To everyone that has children and lives in the central HAVE to shop here. Everything in that shop was perfect. The little hats (crocheted beanies, ear flap hats and little bowler hats) were genius! I am a little over the tutus for the girls but in this shop they were understated enough to make me wish they had them in my size. I was smitten with the houndstooth and pirate umbrellas. Lots of times when you see baby clothes, the little girl stuff is always so precious but the little boys stuff can be hit or miss. In this shop, all the little boy stuff were hits! I loved the pin striped blazers and the sweaters with elbow patches make me hope that my first born is a boy. Above all my favorite thing in the shop were the silk screened onesies. My absolute favorite, a onesie that was silk screened to look like a pair of trousers held up by suspenders. In the pocket, a silk screened slingshot. It was amazing, it looked just like Dennis the Menace or Alfalfa from The Little Rascals! I might go back and get it with the hopes that I can save it for future offspring.
Just when I thought it couldn't get any better, the shop girl asked us...
"Have you seen the tea room upstairs?"
Now I am a sucker for tea rooms. I love taking tea but was greatly spoiled by the first tea I took at the Empress Hotel in Victoria, BC. Taking tea there was like taking tea in first class on the Titanic. Everything was perfection. Since then every tea room I have been in has been an explosion of pastels and flowers. It is hard to really enjoy the tea when trying to keep the contents of your stomach down from the vertigo you get from the decor. I have always said that if I were to do a tea room it would be very understated.
We walked upstairs and my jaw dropped. It looked liked a speakeasy! I fell in love. On the wall was a Vettriano looking print (my all time favorite artist) and black and whites of Audrey Hepburn. The colors were muted and rich with creams, violets, and chocolate browns. There were shaded chandeliers dripping with crystals hanging from the ceilings. I wanted to live there.
As we were leaving, I couldn't stop gushing. I told my mom, it was as if someone had taken a photograph of how I want my life in my head and made it into an actual place.
It was kind of scary.

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