Saturday, March 5, 2011

Life Is Too Short...

(Life's too short for the wrong job on pandaeraser)
...for the wrong job.
My good friend/cousin Andrea posted a series of ads on her tumblr feed. The message came across loud and clear in the most creative way.
It did get me thinking though...
True, life IS too short for the wrong job but how, in today's economy, do you realize this and change your direction in life?
Thoughts anyone?

PS. Yes, I am aware that I am missing my last 'Picture This'. I haven't found an appropriate photo yet.

1 comment:

  1. I don't know this yet. Over the weekend I crashed into a sad state of hopelessness over the future. I started seeing my limitations again. I can relate to this post so much. I try to tell myself, over and over again, "difficult, but not impossible!"


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